„…born in Bogotá, Colombia, 1974. Currently PhD student at School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. Masters of Global Media and Communication at The School of Culture and Communication, The University of Melbourne, completed in 2011. Major in Architecture at Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, in 2001.
Has worked professionally in several disciplines, including contemporary art, film criticism, publishing, and advertising. His work has been published by outlets like Al Jazeera and Radical Philosophy. Active collaborator of the P2P Foundation and the Commons Strategy Group. Has participated in academic conferences in London, Jakarta and Singapore.
His masters thesis ‘Awakening from Capitalism’, intersects anthropological analysis of value in Buddhist culture with New Media theory. Current academic interests include history and philosophy of the digital age, journalism studies, Actor-Network theory, post-colonial studies, digital games studies, political economy of collaboration, Buddhist sociologies, anthropology of value and anarchism.” (https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Nicolas_Mendoza)
Stary blog: https://nicolasmendo.wordpress.com/